Tips for anti-blue treatment

– Use a product registered in the Official Registry of Biocides.

– Respect the dosage indicated by the product manufacturer.

– Make the mixture in a separate container , introduce the product first and then the water in the indicated proportion, and once homogenized, introduce it into the treatment bath .

Control the dosage and carry out analyzes every month. (keep in mind that the wood will always absorb more product than water, therefore the dosage will tend to go down as you treat, the more you treat, the more this decrease will be noticeable)

– If it rains, keep freshly treated wood under cover. ( Avoid washout )

Respect the minimum immersion time of 2 minutes , if this is not possible, increase the dosage.

– If the package to be treated is not tracked, increase the immersion time to more than 5 minutes.

– Once treated, the wood should be stored in a dry place, as ventilated as possible and covered, protected from atmospheric agents. On the one hand to avoid the leaching or washout of the active ingredients and on the other hand to avoid generating the ideal habitat for the development of destructive microorganisms.

Phytosanitary Treatment (Thermal) ISPM 15

Never carry out the Thermal Treatment (ISPM 15) after the anti-blue treatment .

If this is not possible, make sure the wood is dry and its moisture content is less than 20%.

The application of the heat treatment after the bath causes the product used to evaporate and lose all its fungicidal/bactericidal properties.

At the same time, the humidity of the wood and the heat applied to it will cause and facilitate the appearance of mold colonies in the wood.